I was so busy
last week de-cluttering the entire house, doing DIY and did some packing too. We are moving so; we put our house in the Real Estate market last Friday. I still have some patching to do, minor fixes though and continue packing as well.

One day after it was posted online, there was one call the next day (late afternoon) which is a positive thing you know. I can't wait to move but then again, if this house sells fast, we will be in limbo to find our new home fast as well. We are in the process of scouting for a new home and constantly communicating with our realtor. I hate moving and I hope this will be the last move. In 5 years, we moved 5 times too. It seems that we are in flipping houses business hehehe. We love this house but, I hope on the next property that we buy, we will stay there for a long time.
I hear you sis , moving is such a pain in the a** , I've been here to US for 7 yrs and we move 5 times as well what a co-incident.. And recently is our big move because its out of state. My husband just told me look at the bright side at least we don't have to accumulate clutters coz we move a lot... make sense but it was a lot of work. Hope you find the best buyer and you both can settle down pretty easy. God Bless.