If you are blogging and love the idea of having your own domain, make that happen. There are so many web hosting company on the net that offers free domain depending on the kind of services you are looking for. There are affordable but their offer is not as good as you might be expecting. Some are expensive and reliable but, there are some mishaps too. Now, finding a web hosting company that really listen to your need is all that matters right now. There is a company that holds enough amount of feedback from a direct clientele. You might be interested to visit and see what are the top Web Hosting Providers that might spark your interest. This webhosting rating.com is a company that provides information based on the customer's satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and techical support. Check this site today if you are looking for a new web hosting service.This company provides details on each of the general and pricing information. This company, guarantee that you will get a reliable hosting and competent supplier . Visit the site and get to know about the webhosting Providers - Best Web Hosts 2009.
(Home and Family, Shopping, Garden and Nature, Travel, and Product Reviews). THERE IS NO BUSY SIGNAL IN THE PRAYER LINES OF HEAVEN
Thank you for Following:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I Love Your Blog

So here's the rules:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her awesome blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!
I am sharing this award to:
Smart Blogger

The rules:
1. Link the one who gave this award and let them know you posted it.
2. Pass this to as many Smart Bloggers as you can think and make sure to write something about them, like what makes you think they are Smart.
3. Let them know they have an Award.
I would like to share this award to all the Smart People in my Bloglist. You deserve this guys. Feel free to grab it okay? Special mention to the following smart , clever, witty and extra-ordinary bloggers :
- David- for being a down to earth friend;
- Maria- for showing an exemplary love to her family;
- Katherine - for making me laugh with her wackiness;
- Beng - a new found friend who never fails to visit my blog;
- Shy - who I had fun talking when I am on SMS;
- Denani - a friend who has a big heart, her thoughtfulness just amazed me;
- Grace - a friend who inspired me with her lifestory;
- Marife - a beautiful sister that I always get along with;
- Rose (All About My Life)- a new friend that I get to know each day, has a sweet personality and her blog is so creative which I admire so much.

New Orleans : Sad Photos

Despite these sad pictures, New Orleans manage to get back the way it was once before. French Quarter still attracts tourists and the local business is slowly catching up.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Kissimmee Freedom Sweepstakes

I am excited to go to Kissimmee area on April 23. Every year, we have a free pass from Walt Disney World called Hospitality Days Pass which is good to use in all their parks. We will be going to Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios which are all located in Kissimmee, the Heart of Florida . The picture on the side was taken at the Animal Kingdom's Safari Jungle, a place where animals live in their natural habitat. I was having a good time during my visit last year and I look forward next week's visit.
There are so many places to see in Kissimmee. If you love viewing some vintage cars on display, I highly recommend Old Town. There are 75 boutiques to shop around this place. This place has a free parking space and no entrance fee. For entertainment, it has 18 adrenalin-rush rides that will give you heart-stopping thrill. Old Town is a place to visit just to unwind and rekindles the memory of Elvis Presley era.
If you are planning to visit Florida, plan and check out visitkissimmee.com. They are giving away three weekend getaways for April, May and June 2009. Draws will be held every 1st of the month. The prize is a three days and two nights for two and a two week vacations for four. Free vacation is possible right? All you have to do is join the sweepstakes. I am encouraging YOU to join as well and take advantage of this offer.

If you are planning to visit Florida, plan and check out visitkissimmee.com. They are giving away three weekend getaways for April, May and June 2009. Draws will be held every 1st of the month. The prize is a three days and two nights for two and a two week vacations for four. Free vacation is possible right? All you have to do is join the sweepstakes. I am encouraging YOU to join as well and take advantage of this offer.

Stormy Thursday


Not only that, Dermajuv System provides an instant lift and has an ingredient that tricks the DNA into growing new skin molecules like a baby and this has been said by Dr. Francis Schmidt, Dermatologist. Visit the Website and discover the key ingredients why Dermajuv System is the best anti-aging products. It has Matrixyl that temporarily produced a highly significant reduction in the deep and moderate wrinkles. Next, it has Renovage that maintain telomere length by increasing the life span of the cell, it's function is enhanced, tissue quality is improved and the skin's youth span is extended thus, reducing all visible signs of aging and not just wrinkles. Lastly Sesaflash, a tightening agent that instantly smooths lines and tightens wrinkles. With these ingredients, wrinkle problem will be a lot easier to handle. If you are interested to buy these products, just visit the site today and avail an Economic Bailout For Your Skin. Let Dermajuv System helped you with your wrinkle problem. Order these products and enjoy a $5 off.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Heading To Louisiana

BUT, the weather is bad in the state of Lousiana and there is a Tornado and Hail warning, thunderstorm and lightning for Thursday and Friday. This appointment is really important for me and I can't postponed it. So, right now, I print the map and my hubby booked a hotel in that city. My hubby and I are all set to travel to that state tomorrow . Hoping our trip will be safe, wish us good luck guys.
We are scared to travel with a bad storm really because, we experienced traveling to Miami when Hurricane Fay hit Florida last August. I was just touched with emotion when Dad said to my hubby, he can't afford to loose me as his daughter-in-law. Touching moment ha, I gave him a hug. Even if, both me and hubby will travel together, he is worried about my safety than his son. Hmmm... I think, he just emphasizing that I am more vulnerable than my hubby. I felt so loved by my hubby and his family here and it feels I am HOME!
My dear friends, I will just visit your blog on Friday. Be sharing you pictures as much as I can. See yah all.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sears On Sale

Hard Rock Casino In Biloxi

Kids' Choice Awards For 2009

Kids Games | Kids Video | Kids Music | Quiz

Have you heard about Kids' Choice Awards? Well, I did hear about this because I have a fourth grader friend who loves to watch the show about iCarly. One time, I just sit with her on the living room while she is giggling on the show. I was so entertained with her actions and I started watching the show with her. What happened was, my eyes hooked on TV and laugh with her all through out the show. How amazing kids influenced adults right? Well, I was just fascinated how she go all the way to participate and vote for Carly in the Kid's Choice Awards. I find that show very entertaining, funny and injects moral values for friendship and honesty. No wonder that it has thousands of followers. That is why I voted for iCarly because of my little friend.
Now, if you have a favorite, why won't you show your support by voting that show or that artist? Help your favorite win the 2009 Kid's Choice Awards. On March 28, 2009 at exactly 8PM, the voting will end and the clock is ticking fast. Join and vote now! I just went to nick.com and I voted my favorite reality show, TV actor, cartoon character, movie, book, female&male athlete, movie actor & actress and animated movie. Oh! I am so excited to know who will be declared as a winner. I also voted for my favorite voice from animated movies, male&female singers, song, music group, TV actress, video game and TV show. Well, I voted iCarly for my favorite TV show and that is so obvious right? Anyway, just do your voting now. You will enjoy it. There are four artist/stars to choose from and you only have to pick one in each category. You will be directed on the next category until you will be finished voting. Visit the site, vote and have fun!

Hard Rock Casino In Biloxi, MS

Web Data Harvester
If you are planning to develop all types of data on the web and use it into re-usable information , you are in the right track. If your plan is to share it in your company or get the attention of your top ranking official then , Mozenda Web Data Harvester is all you need. Mozenda System (More Zenful Data), offers you and your company an option to choose from the expensive traditional hardware/software and services. Mogenda offers a great deal when it comes to affordability. It is a new SaaS model and this system was introduced initially last year (2008). This software is considered as the first of its kind because this is a software service ( SaaS ) that performs the following: complete web data extraction; data management and data publishing. So, if you are interested, visit the site and enjoy their trial offer for 14 days and it is absolutely free. You will then enjoy the following features : Single-User License, Mozenda Data Management Web Application, Import and Export to CSV and many more. For more information, visit the site or call 801-995-4550.
Gulf Islands National Seashore

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Agusan Elementary School Mural Project

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