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Friday, January 29, 2010
Just A Rant for the Day
Thursday, January 28, 2010
CSN Store
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of CSNStores. All opinions are 100% mine.
Deskjet F2430

- Get up to 3 times more black printed pages and 2.5 times more color printed pages using optional high-capacity cartridges.
- Use paper more efficiently by printing multiple pages onto each side of the paper using the Paper-saving Printing option.
- Printing is so easy with only four buttons: power, cancel, black copy and color copy.
- Know when you are running low on ink with low-ink indicator lights.
- With ink cartridges positioned right in the center of the all-in-one, it's easy to access and swap inks.
- Energy Star qualified
- What's in the box: HP Deskjet F2430 All-in-One, HP 60 Black Ink Cartridge (~ 200 pages), HP 60 Tri-color Ink Cartridge (~ 150 pages), Software CD, setup poster, Reference Guide, power supply, power cord
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuna Sandwich
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of HealthyTuna.com. All opinions are 100% mine.
Today, my husband made a quick and easy meal using a healthy tuna recipe. If you open your pantry, I bet you have a tuna so; make use of it now. Make a healthy meal for your family by this recipe which you can prepare for less than 10 minutes. You need chopped onions, chopped fresh garlic, mayonnaise and salt to taste. Mix all ingredients together and set aside. Make a toast and spread the tuna to the toasted bread and sliced it diagonally for presentation. This is how I want my tuna sandwich and it taste very delicious.

Saints vs Colts
Acne Products by Dr. Dermal
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dr Dermal. All opinions are 100% mine.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
God is Good
Friday, January 22, 2010
Hair Cut Day

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Blast Off by Allison Maslan
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Allison Maslan, author of "Blast Off!". All opinions are 100% mine.
I got a full time job four months ago and I can honestly say that I am not so happy with this line of work. In my mind right now I wish there is another open opportunity that I can grab on. Yet, this is the only job for me as of now knowing that the economy is so bad these days. I know there are other individuals out there who feel this way. There are days that I wanted to quit but, what shall I do without a job? Life will be a boring routine with out a job! According to Allison Maslan, a renowned Life and Business Strategist, losing a job is the best thing that could ever happen to a person. She authored a book which is available on Amazon and it is titled as Blast Off! You can buy this inspiring book for only $24. Check out this book today and be inspired by Allison Maslan who had been there to where we are right now. The launching date for her book is January 19th, 2010 on Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Noble websites, and also in other major bookstores in your area. Check it out now.
APO Hiking Society is Winding Down

- Lito de Joya
- Sonny Santiago
- Gus Cosio
- Renato Garcia
- Chito Kintanar
- Kenny Barton
- Bruce Brown
- Butch Dans
- Kinjo Sawada
- Ric Segreto
- Goff Macaraeg
- Doden Besa
- Jim Paredes
- and Boboy Garrovillo.
- Danny Javier joined the group.
Apo has become the principal adherent of the Original Pilipino Music (OPM). The Apo also became involved in record production, talent management and organizing artists under the "Organisasyon ng Pilipinong Mang-aawit" or O.P.M. which means "Organization of Philippine Singers/musicians". The group expanded its activities into establishing and furthering the careers of new OPM artists in the Philippines. - source: wikipedia.org
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Saints Won
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Business Venture
Just Lazy
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Satisfaction Buffet in Hard Rock Biloxi
Monday, January 11, 2010
Happy Birthday & Happy Wedding Anniversary Cookie

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Frozen Fountain

Friday, January 8, 2010
Weekend Getaway at Branson
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Hiltons of Branson. All opinions are 100% mine.

Bird Bath: Frozen Water

Pillsbury Toaster Strudel

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Apple and Blackberry Cases
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Pexagon Technology. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hairy Dog

Mead Johnson, Maker of Enfamil, Loses Multi-Million Dollar False Advertising Case Against Store-Bran
GORDONSVILLE, VA., December 2 , 2009—PBM Products, LLC, a leading infant formula company that supplies store-brand infant formulas to Walmart, Sam's Club, Target, Kroger, Walgreens, and other retailers, has received a favorable jury verdict and a $13.5 million damages award in its false advertising lawsuit against Mead Johnson & Co., the operating subsidiary of Mead Johnson Nutrition Company (NYSE: MJN) (“Mead Johnson”), the makers of the national-brand Enfamil® LIPIL® Infant Formula. Mead Johnson is 83 percent-owned by Bristol-Myers Squibb.
PBM’s lawsuit claimed that Mead Johnson engaged in false and misleading campaigns against PBM’s competing store-brand of infant formulas, suggesting they do not provide the same nutrition as Mead Johnson’s brands. PBM’s store-brand infant formulas cost up to 50 percent less than Enfamil® LIPIL®. The $13.5 million in damages awarded by the jury in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia is one of the largest damages awards ever for a false advertising case.
“This decision by a jury of the people confirms that Mead Johnson’s ads have been false in suggesting that there is a nutritional difference between our store-brand formula products and their products, when in fact the only major difference is price,” said PBM CEO Paul B. Manning. “Despite Mead Johnson’s scare tactics, parents are assured that PBM’s formula products are as high quality and nutritious as Mead Johnson’s.”
U.S. District Court Judge James R. Spencer issued his written rulings yesterday following the November 10th jury verdict. Judge Spencer’s written rulings permanently enjoined Mead Johnson from making any false statements concerning PBM's infant formula, including the claims Mead Johnson previously made in Enfamil advertising that "It may be tempting to try a less expensive store brand, but only Enfamil LIPIL is clinically proven to improve brain and eye development," and "there are plenty of other ways to save on baby expenses without cutting back on nutrition." The Court also ordered Mead Johnson to retrieve from the public domain all advertising or promotional materials containing these or any other false claims about PBM's store brand infant formula.
The details of the decision and the complaint are posted online in full at:
· http://www.pbmproducts.com/docs/Order_Laches.pdf
· http://www.pbmproducts.com/docs/PBM_Complaint_MJ_III_LIPIL.pdf
The nutritional supplements under examination in the case are two fats, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid), which Mead Johnson calls “LIPIL®” solely for marketing purposes and touts as promoting infant brain and eye development. PBM’s claim focused on Mead Johnson’s direct mailing to more than 1.6 million parents of an alarming blurry picture of a child’s cartoon duck next to a clear picture of the same image which suggested that anything other than the Enfamil LIPIL® blend of ingredients is inferior and will result in poor eye and brain development. Other parts of the false advertising campaign consist of statements that only Enfamil LIPIL has been proven to confer visual and mental benefits on infants, and store-brand formulas are a “cut-back in nutrition” compared to Enfamil.
PBM successfully argued that these advertisements were false and misleading especially since PBM store- brand infant formulas have the same nutrients at the same levels as Enfamil. PBM infant formulas are formulated to contain DHA and ARA, and are sourced from the same supplier in amounts which equal or exceed the DHA and ARA in Mead Johnson’s Enfamil LIPIL®.
This decision marks the third time PBM Products has sued Mead Johnson for false advertising claims. On the prior occasions Mead Johnson admitted that it made false claims about PBM’s products. It is also the first false advertising case to focus on the issue of DHA and ARA nutritional ingredients in formula, which were introduced into the market in 2003 and have become a staple in recent years by many brands as key components for infant development.
“This jury verdict should send a significant and clear message to Mead Johnson about the way it conducts marketing and advertising for its brands,” said Manning. “This lawsuit also demonstrates our complete commitment to defending our products and the valuable brands of our retail partners.”
“As a parent and supporter of children’s medical research, I take a personal responsibility in assuring our customers that the products we produce are healthy and nutritionally equivalent to brand names like Enfamil® LIPIL®. It is important, especially now, for parents to know that there are lower priced yet highly nutritious store-brand formulas that will provide the same benefit to their children as any national brand name formula product,” Manning added.
The U.S. infant formula market is estimated at $3.4 billion and the global market is estimated at $7.9 billion.
All of PBM’s formulas, and for that matter all of U.S. infant formulas, are subject to the exacting standards of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pursuant to the Infant Formula Act of 1980. This legislation vested FDA with the authority to ensure that all infant formula products sold in the United States provide the necessary levels of identified nutrients required for the growth of healthy babies. For more information, visit this FDA link.
PBM Products was represented by the law firm Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP. Partners from the firm’s advertising practice, Harold P. Weinberger and Jonathan M. Wagner in New York, led the team.
About PBM
PBM is privately owned and based in Gordonsville, VA. PBM companies specialize in manufacturing, distributing, and marketing consumer food, nutritional, and pharmaceutical products. For more information, visit www.pbmproducts.com.
Enfamil® LIPIL® are registered trademarks of Mead Johnson & Co.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Making Music

Take me along
I don't care where you have gone
And I don't have to know
Exactly where you're going
If you leave me behind
Then everything on your mind
Will turn to pictures of the word
We might have been
People alone may go very fast
But maybe not so far
Playing along is still solitaire...
People alone may reach for a love
But only half as well
People alone may seem satisfied
How can they tell?
If we are crossing the line
Where there's no yours and no mine
We'll find it easy to see
People should be together
People alone may go very fast
But maybe not so far
Playing along is still solitaire...
People alone may reach for a love
But only half as well
People alone may seem satisfied
How can they tell?
Take me along
Let's not be people alone
I'm on your mind
So please don't leave me behind
Crossing the line
Where there's no yours and no mine
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Peter Anderson Festival Dispaly

Monday, January 4, 2010
Taking Care of my Van
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Davis bayou

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Beautiful Sunrise