(Home and Family, Shopping, Garden and Nature, Travel, and Product Reviews). THERE IS NO BUSY SIGNAL IN THE PRAYER LINES OF HEAVEN
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Mardi Gras Parade in Ocean Springs
Fight the Boredom
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Where the Remains Found: Caylee Anthony

Monday, June 27, 2011
Monte Carlo
This post brought to you by Monte Carlo. All opinions are 100% mine.
Have you watched a good soulful movie lately? A movie which you and your family enjoyed so much that you can't stop narrating about it even if all of you watched it a million times? I am sure you had that moment and I did too! But, that moment seemed long ago maybe because I lived so many miles away from home. So, when a beautiful movie such as Monte Carlo scheduled to be in Theaters Friday, I invited two of my close friends to watch it with me. My friends adored Selena Gomez while I love to watch comedy and adventure movies. The main character of the movie is Grace portrayed by Selena, an ordinary girl who becomes an accidental heiress. A Summer trip to Paris turns into a Fantasy of a lifetime. What an adventure movie right? We are all excited for our girl's movie night-out, a good bonding time for us since we are busy most of the time. Check out out this trailer.
What do you think? It's fun and exciting right? So, if you have Facebook, LIKE the official Monte Carlo Movie Page and get acquainted with other fans. If you want to purchase a ticket, get it at Fandango on June 29th. Don't forget to watch it In Theaters Friday and bring your family and friends!
Novice Blogger
2. My English Professor in College said "I Can't Write"- Well, what happened was, I grew up without someone to guide, correct my grammar and etc. I was an average student and never had a failing mark too. In class, I was satisfied with a below 90 score well, I worked in the school library as a student. I was a scholar struggled to maintain a B grade which I did maintain up to 3rd year in College. I have an English Teacher who is a perfectionist and she speaks fluent English. She assigned us to pass a Term Paper and of course I complied. One day, she called me in her office and return my term paper. She then told me that she believed it's not my work! She said that the writer had minor grammar problems but, the term paper is written very good. She said she knew I can't write that well, for that (cheating) reason, she gave me a B- grade. Hehehe! I was thinking, should I tap my shoulder for the ghost writer in me? I laugh about it!
3. No Journalism Experience- As much as I wanted to write, I knew I lack the skills to be in a writer's guild group in college. A flat A grade in English is a tough one to get but, I got an easy A grade in Sociology and History subjects.
I can speak my mind through Blogging! People can scrutinized my work but, won't affect me at all. Their superficial superiority is good for themselves and with that, I care less. I don't write perfect but, advertisers hire me to write about their products. I don't get paid if it did not pass in their standard. So, I am happy with that. My greatest struggle to battle is really learning the skill of IT world. I should get me an IT course perhaps.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Giving White Water Rafting a Second Try
A few years ago I let my younger brother talk me into going with him on a white water rafting trip. Well he's always been a lot more athletic than me. He played sports and even though I played some too I didn't actually play during many games. Well nothing had really changed because I had a really hard time keeping up with him. Now I've decided that I'm going to give it another try.
It was actually my idea because some of my coworkers went on a rafting trip and had a whole lot of fun. I looked up some information on going rafting myself. While I was doing that I ran across the site http://CLEARwirelessinternetservice.com and after I looked through it a little bit I decided to switch over our home internet service to it.
I found a really good deal on rafting and a cabin that we could stay in. I think that it's going to be so much fun! I just hope that I don't hurt myself while I'm trying to have fun.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Blog Hopping
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Crime Scene : Caylee Anthony Remains

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Black and White Flapper Shoes

IP in Biloxi
Friday, June 17, 2011
Make Love Not War
Happened in Vancouver after the Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final, a riot ignited and pinned between the angry rioters and charging riot police are: Aussie bartender Scott Jones and Canadian college student Alex Thomas. She was injured just before the picture was taken. The mother of Scott knew it was him upon seeing the picture because he always wear the same clothes. Well, she meant Scott bring few T shirts and jeans on this vacation.
If you want to know the latest "love sparks" between the two, all you have to do is wait for another news to come up. Or make friends with Scott's father, Brett Jones in facebook. Good luck for that. Spread good deeds people and stay out of trouble!
Home Mortgage Rate
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Senior Care in Los Angeles
Hyundai Genesis Dealer
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Avoid Immigration Scammers
Recently, USCIS launched the Unauthorized Practice of Immigration Law (UPIL) Initiative. They tapped some government agencies to identify resources and help avoid the immigration services scams out there. Let us all armed ourselves with all the knowledge using USCIS.GOV.
1. The top things to know before and after filing an application or petition
2. A list of common immigration services scams
3. State-by-state information on where you can report an immigration services scam
4. Advice on finding authorized legal help
5. Information on becoming an authorized legal immigration service provider
6. Educational tools you can print and share
If you have all the legal papers, if you follow the instructions, your application is alright. If you are not confident, you can hire an Immigration Services BUT, make sure they are authorized by USCIS.
Immigration Scams: Beware
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Pet Gets 12M Inheritance
Casey Anthony Murder Trial

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Caylee_Anthony .
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Winning an iPad 2
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Casey Anthony Trial: Cindy as Witness