Usually, when I go to any department store like Macys, JC Penny, Belk and Others, I usually go first to the Apparel section then, toys, techno gadgets, household items and lastly colognes and perfumes. I will show you what I bought in JC Penny for $2.97 for a price of $18 t0 $24. Right now, I bought this in Walmart.
Did you know that, they sell the last pair of anything into a lower price that you could not imagine? Why I always find good buys? I don't go for shopping just for the sake of shopping. Usually, I window shop thinking what to buy for my family back home. If I find a sale price like worth the sale price, I do buy it. This is a $19 worth, not really an expensive brand because it is a White Stag Brand only. I bought this for $3.00 also, the same with the Manhattan Boots. I love the style and the comfort. I am not a brand conscious, I wear anything that I find comfortable of wearing. I am opposite with my brother. He wears branded clothing. But me, I can wear anything, branded or not, as long as I am comfortable, that is all that matters. After all, I am just being practical.

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