Did you view the video? If not, play the video first and let us share each others thoughts about Dolphin Bubbles behavior. After watching this video, my eagerness to go back to Orlando and see the Dolphin bubble tricks at Seaworld Dolphin Cove really lift my enthusiasm at high level. According to some animal experts, dolphins are believed to be the most intelligent of all animal creatures. And that a dolphin is as intelligent as a two-year-old human being and has the high ability of learning new tricks. Since they are a very social animal, they love to interact and play with humans. That is why at Seaworld, dolphins are famous animals inside the park and most love by tourists and deserved an applaud. They can leap above the water surface, perform acrobatic figures like spinning just like what they did in the video. It was so amazing to see how perfect they make that bubble, play with it by spinning and pop it when some of their companion tried to go near it. They learn so fast like a hello or goodbye sway to their audience and giving kisses to the volunteer of the crowd. We saw them how they communicate to one other by using a variety of clicks and whistles. What a lovable animal right? So, did you have the fun with the video? If yes, you will have more exciting activity once you visit Seaworld.

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