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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Opps, are you singing? LOL! Finally, December is here! Are you excited? I bet some of you are excited! I am too. Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. It's not because I am expecting gifts. As a matter of fact; I consider it lucky if I receive one gift. Honestly, it doesn't matter really. What makes me happy for Christmas is the idea of good cheer and sharing. Giving gifts makes me happy and I do not expect any in return. Honest. You can ask my mom about it, hehehe.

Here is our Christmas Tree this year. What's lacking are red Christmas balls and few Christmas ornaments. Buying a Santa Clause became a tradition so; this year, I am eyeing on a unique Santa and probably buy Mrs Santa Clause too. I think I saw the pair in Lowe's.

I can't wait to hang the ornaments soon. After Christmas, I give away some of the decors to my mom and I buy another set of colors. Last year, it was all red.

How about you? I bet you are done decorating. It is good to start early so that; we can enjoy the Christmas season longer. Would you agree? Anyway, Merry Christmas!

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