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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Contact Lenses

I am a big procrastinator of so many things and I admit it! I have a migraine at least once every month and I kept telling myself that I should see an optometrist. I truly believed that part of the reason why I had migraine is because of my vision problem. Anyway, if the doctor will prescribe an eyeglass, I will prefer to wear contact lenses. There are affordable contact lenses available these days such as o2 optix. It would be a hassle for me to wear eyeglasses especially at work. Wearing contacts would be a comfort in my daily activities. I will not use it if it is not prescribe though. Others wear contacts due to cosmetic purposes. They love to enhance the appearance of their eye. Having different colors of their eyes made them feel good.

I respect their choice but for me, I rather wear it if the purpose is to correct my vision. It would be hard for me to adjust but, I would use contacts when I am at work. Wearing eye glasses would be uncomfortable for me. Contact lenses are the best thing to use because eye glasses will make me look older. I would look funny too well, I tried to put the eyeglasses of my mother's and I look awful. Well, it really vary to the individuals preference. Some are comfortable with eyeglasses and I for one, would prefer the contacts.

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