I went to my friendster an hour ago, visiting their pages one at a time as if feeling a bit nostalgic. Then, this picture caught my eyes specially when J wrote the caption "The tree of loveless" added with ..."hehehe"...LOL. What an awesome picture.... a very amazing art. Oh well, this picture is in Sokcho, South Korea and surely the photo conveys "Full of Love" message since the tree grows too many hearts in it...hehehe. Anyhow, It is really good to remember old friends, old days, old times and the milestones we left behind.
Here we are in different corners of the world with new friends, new adventures and indeed new world. When we were in college, we had this meeting place fronting Xavier University...we sat on one of the benches together with our co-XU- Glee Club friends like Jack and Vivian... just talk about love, life, dreams, family and music. Who would have thought? J still into music but pursue it in South Korea . Oh! You should hear him sing! I am so blessed with friends who had angelic voices like Eleanor and Cookie who happen to be in my bloglist. Yep...they sure are singers. Back to J, he sang almost every night with a live band... still aiming for that dreams he desires the most. Singing is really his passion. As to the women of his life? He love them all I knew... but, maybe ....just maybe....the right one has still to come soon.

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