I spent hours reading the posts in Scrubs. Scrubsmag.com is a very informative guide for nurses. They have topics about health, work , beauty, style and many more. There is a nursing poll survey that I answered using this link: http://www.scrubsmag.com/content/what-your-favorite-fictional-portrayal-nurse-0/?utm_source=b. I watched ER series and I admire the character portrayed by Carol Hathaway. She is a dedicated registered nurse and assigned as the Emergency Room Nurse Manager. She takes pride of being a nurse and defended other nurses in her station specially when insensitive surgeons are trying to level down nurses. She would retaliate and made her point that nurses are the ones that make the ER run. I love her character specially when she provides care for thousands and absolutely free of charge. No wonder that in this poll survey, Carol Hathaway got the highest percentage. She got 31% votes from the five nominees. Carol Hathaway character simply loved by many viewers. The Website have so many interesting topic. They also have "The Tip Jar" where you can find helpful tips from nurses who have been in the profession for so many years. Visit the link provided here:
http://www.scrubsmag.com/content/how-to-deal/?utm_source=b and find the answers that you have been looking for right here. I choose the question: How to Deal with a Bullying Co-worker. And the answers given are truly remarkable. Never stoop to the bully's level, record the incident and report to the higher authority. For more information about this Website, click the link now.

I think this will help my friend who is now starting as a nurse in US. Can I send your/this link?