Beautiful and Smart Mommy! That is all there is. Beautiful inside and out. I really can not recall how I got to know her or where I found her from who but, from the moment I met her and read her posts...i keep coming back. Very intelligent, down to earth and even if we spoken differently (slight) on politics, we still manage to have humor about it. That is who she is.
After I've known her, did that impression change?Not a single bit. As I came to know her, Adjectives are added like pouring rain...

What do I think about her posts and why?
Her posts are all worth reading for. She encouraged the reader to participate and give ideas and all you could do is to share too. She had clever thoughts and topic which is very interesting to take part.

Hmmm... Got too many in my head. " Wind Beneath My Wings" is one, for being there helping me with my technical problem on blogging. She helped me a lot. Couldn't thank you enough girl.
If Umma is a flower, what will she be? And why?
White Roses for being simple and having a good heart.
When I will meet Umma in person, what is the first word that I might say to her?
Wow! You are so PRETTY....hehehe! Thanks for being kind and a good friend.
When I look at her picture, what can I say about her?
She is a gorgeous young mommy and a very chic woman who is very elegant and fashionable.
How do I describe Umma as a friend online?
Very reliable. Very articulate. She is one of a kind. Can't even find the right words to say right now. One thing for sure, I am so glad and happy to meet her online.
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