Who would want to get sick? Nobody! We all strive to live healthy, eat nutritious food, carefully choose a balanced diet, do exercise but, we are still prone to diseases. Our friend John suffered from Dementia. I like him because he treated me like his daughter. Every Tuesday, we always had a schedule for breakfast with him and his wife. And for each passing week, I noticed his declining memory and behavior. Dementia is a group of symptoms caused by gradual death of brain cells. The cerebral cortex which is part of the brain and is responsible for thoughts, memories and actions will degenerate. It was really hard to see him so sick with this kind of disease because he was only 58 years old. During conversation, he would stop and think what he just said. This disease is progressive and there is no cure yet. The process of introducing new cells into a tissue to treat a disease can be a life saver. According to C'Elle Testimonials, stem cells can treat diseases such as Heart Disease, Stroke, Breast Cancer and Diabetes. I just hope that by using stem cells, therapeutic developments may lead to the treatment of Dementia. If you are interested to know more about stem cells, you can Order C'elle Now and avail the Special Price at $499 Annual Plan.

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