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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Having Bird or Fish as Pets

I always wanted to have a pet but; my preference would be either bird or fish. They are so tiny, colorful, cute and of course harmless. When hubby and I happen to pass by a pet shop, I would always go to the area of fish tanks. I like angel fish especially the emperor and annularis. Their colors are amazing so; even if they are expensive pets, it might be worth it. Flame angelfish and flame hawkish are also beautiful and I love their deep brilliant red body. Of course, I will always buy a clown fish because it is pretty, adorable and the price is really affordable.

I have no idea if I am good in taking care of pets and keeping aquarium fish but, I have been contemplating to keep fish in the aquarium as a hobby. I like having fish as my pet and when I am ready to buy them, I will make sure that I won't hurt them. Honestly, I do not see so much selection of pet birds in the pet shop here most especially parrots. I like their playful nature, beautiful colors and they can learn to talk too. It would be awesome to teach the parrot how to talk so; there will be inter-action between us. Of course, they are not harmless and tiny so; it's easy to take care of them too.

Just yesterday, we went to a pet shop nearby and I almost want to buy a 5.5 gallon aquarium starter kit. I know it is very tiny but, if I can maintain a small aquarium and keep it clean then, I can go on and buy a bigger aquarium soon enough. I do not want to be overwhelmed with taking care of the fish, feeding it and maintain the cleanliness of the aquarium for I do not have an extra time for that.

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