Searching for
baby carriers? Look no further, it's all right here in
attachedtobaby.com and you can view their wide collections. This is a premiere online resource for Baby slings and baby carriers. The picture above is an Ergo product and can only be shipped to US addresses. This is perfect for walks, hiking and shopping. The design makes the baby comfortable for many hours. It gives you the freedom to remain active and productive in your daily activities and the baby is still secure to your body but your hands are free. The design supports a correct sitting position for the baby's hip, pelvis and spine growth. It carry the baby's weight between the hips and thighs, which helps to eliminate compression of the spine when hanging by the crotch which most other designs require. The ERGO also balances the baby's weight to parents' hips and shoulders, and alleviates physical stress for the parent.

This is an EllaRoo Lightly Padded Baby Sling, a 100% certified organic cotton fabric. The inner and outer rails are fully adjustable through lightweight brushed aluminum sling rings. The sling is designed to cup the shoulder and spread naturally over the back, keeping baby secure.This is a simple all-around sling, a perfect foundation piece for a well-rounded sling collection. It's great for newborns, nursing moms and it carries heavy toddlers too. Just visit the site for more information.
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